lørdag 26. mars 2011

throwing in the towel

well, after a lot of  thought , I have found out that this isn't  going to work out for me...so I've decided to thow in the towel...

I want to wish good luck to the other participants on this course.  It has been very interesting, and I am sorry that I do not have the capacity to complete it.

onsdag 23. mars 2011

meninger om blogg fra en klasse

Jeg oppdaget idag at en av klassene jeg er lærer i har opprettet et blogg i programfag 

masker  til inspirasjon  (fra http://kovsdh.blogspot.com/)
Målet med bloggen er å kunne vise andre hvordan det er å gå på Design og Håndverk VG1  på Kongsberg. Som det står:

"Denne bloggen er for deg som er interessert i hva elevene ved Design og håndverk Kongsberg Videregående Skole holder på med. Bloggen er for deg som er elev, for deg som har vært elev og for deg som ønsker å bli elev hos oss!"

-leder mot flere enn 45 fagutdanninger, som avsluttes med fag-/ svennebrev eller tilsvarende etter tre til fire år. Utdanningen gir også grunnlag for høyere utdanning innen for eksempel design, håndverk, teknologi, kultur, kunst og pedagogikk. Studiekompetanse kan man få ved å ta påbygningsår etter Vg 2.

Jeg tok meg friheten til å høre litt mer om bloggen,  og om elevenes opplevelser.  Jeg snakket kun med de elevene som var tilstede, slik at ikke alle synspunkter og meninger er representert.  ( 4 elever var borte) Vi tok en uformell runde med spørsmål og svar.  Jeg har ikke spurt lærerne om deres erfaringer, bare så det er klart.

I starten av bloggprosjektet var noen av holdningene slik:
  • en  var veldig skeptisk: hun har aldri hatt en blogg og visst ikke hva det skulle  brukes til
  • en ble glad for å få lov til å vise hva klassen holder på med 
  • to elever tente på ideen, og hadde lyst til å designe layout på bloggen ( noe de senere gjorde)
  •  en annen var positiv, siden hun så nytten av å profilere design og håndverkslinje for fremtidige elever
  • en annen elev oppfattet hele prosjektet som kjedelig - vedkommende så bare for seg masse skriving
  • en var hverken positiv eller negativ ...det var "greit"
  • en var negativ og mislikte tanken på å ha bilder av seg selve på bloggen
Det burde nevnes at 4 av elevene har erfaringer med å lage en personlig blogg.

Hvem ble administratorer?
  • noen av jentene som hadde lyst fikk administratorrettigheter, i tillegg til lærerne.

Elevenes erfaringer med bloggen nå:
  • bloggen har ikke vært oppdatert for en stund, så noen mister interesse for opplegget
  • det var mer spennende i starten, da var mange opptatt av å skrive innlegg. Det ble satt av tid til dette i starten av prosjektet , men ikke nå
  • noen tenker ikke over bloggen,  men ville legge ut ting hvis de ble fortalt til å gjøre det
  • noen føler at bloggen har blitt litt glemt..
  • andre er fremdeles meget skeptisk og vil ikke delta
Fikk elevene lyst til å blogge innenfor andre fag?
  • noen mener det er best å kun blogge innenfor programfag, ikke fellesfag
  • noen ville ha vært positiv hadde de fått en god begrunnelse til å blogge i fellesfag
  • andre synes at blogg ville ha vært spennende, men ikke for mange blogger - da ble ideen "brukt opp"
  • noen ser mulighet til samarbeidslæring, hvor andre vurdere innleggene dine og gir deg tilbakemelding og hvordan du kan bli bedre.
kan vi og skal vi konkludere med noe?

  • det var en uhøytidelig spørrerunde slik at jeg kan ikke trekke noen konklusjoner. Jeg var mest opptatt av å lytte til  elevenes uttalelser.  Men, vi kan konstatere at det var og er mange forskjellige erfaringer og opplevelser rundt bloggen. Bloggen vekker engasjement hos de fleste og jeg kan tilføye til at mange synes at det var litt "okay" å kunne vise fram noen av de flotte produktene de har skapt.

    søndag 20. mars 2011

    Advantages and disadvantages of blogging with pupils...initial thoughts...

    I will be completely honest...I have not started to blog with pupils yet, nor let them take part in a Wiki.
    It is still  a bit of an alien concept for me and I am slightly apprehensive about it...
    However,  I do have some thoughts  I would  to express, in order to allow  this blog to contain a degree of reflection, when I do finally get to work with my pupils.

    Blogging Readiness by cambodia4kidsorg
    source Flickr :    cambodia4kidsorg  

    Here are some my initial ideas and hang-ups,  as they come to mind. I'd like to stress that this is a random order,  resulting from brain-storming...

    Thoughts about the advantages of letting pupils blog in my English class:

    • some  will think it is a novelty - this may increase motivation.
    • they may see school taking more of an interest in their spare time Internet activities ...we bridge the gap between their world and ours
    • many students have their own blog and read many blogs...they can share their skills and knowledge and thus gain recognition 
    • they will hopefully work harder to produce a good result 
    • writing is a skill which develops with practice - they will get practice!
    • they will read the blogs of other students ..increasing their own vocabulary and skills 
    • they get to practice more cooperative learning - the use of CSCL 
    • The Knowledge Promotion and our curriculum are based on theories of social contructivism and constructivism ( knowledge is not a predetermined, unchanging entity simply to be reproduced , but something created and developed through active processes) ...Blogging encourages the latter..
    • they may see the values of peer evaluation and criteria.  Suddenly they are more focused on what others think of their  work and more willing to make improvements when they know it will be published. This will lead to increased knowledge and skills.
    • they will forced to focus on  the quality of the product they produce,,,since it will potentially be "public" for at least the class ...if not others as well. ( By  "quality" I mean the importance of content, structure  and language of the product to be published and that they focus on the reader and the genre as well )
    • the chance of increased self - esteem and self- confidence ...seeing the end product on the Internet.
    • they have to reflect a lot more when giving their opinion and supporting it with relevant arguments 
    • I can learn more practical data skills from my pupils..

    Thoughts about the disadvantages of letting pupils blog in my English class:
    • they may think the whole idea is a bit lame  - they will  not be motivated
    • the less linguistically skilled pupils may have lots of hang-ups about publishing their work 
    • this leads to less self-esteem and weaker self-confidence for them - the opposite of my aim!
    • the more confident and skilled pupils get even better ...not that this is a disadvantage in itself , but  a combination of these two points would simply increase the distance between the groups instead of bridging the gap through cooperative learning processes.
    • I may have to correct the work of less-skilled pupils to such an extent before it's published, that the end product is not actually "theirs" ...what do they learn then? 
    • pupils may get negative comments and non-constructive feedback about their skills, knowledge or attitudes shown in a product - how do we tackle  that?
    • those who choose not to publish work for various reasons will feel left out of the class environment 
    • blogs can  create an unhealthy element of  competition ...with the talented , extrovert students stealing the limelight ...while  others simply give up...
    • I am concerned about students who have reading and writing difficulties...how can they present their skills for public viewing?
    • not all products/ contents are suitable to be published ...they may contain sensitive information unsuitable for public viewing
    • the nature of blogs and Wiki means that there is no spontaneous dialogue between the pupil and myself... my response will come later..after reading the product...
    • It may be too time-consuming  to administrate the blog/ Wiki, so  I choose to give it all up before we see the benefits..(I believe that practice is important for both parties to achieve success)
    • grading the task will be an issue...do I evaluate it before all the errors are corrected and the result published...or afterwards?
    • I have to be prepared that some of the pupils will be a lot more talented than me as regards the technical aspects of it all... ( this may not increase my self-confidence and they may lose faith in me...)

    Well, these were some of my  ideas. It  will be interesting to see what really happens after they  blog and / or contribute to a Wiki ....!

    New to the game..

    I have chosen to continue this blog in English, as it is much quicker for me to express myself. For those of you who have to read this , I hope that's an acceptable solution.

    There is no doubt that blogging is a fantastic tool, which has been embraced by countless individuals all over the globe. It is hard to come by reliable,  up-to-date figures:  but in 2010,  it was estimated that there were 152 million blogs. That number has no doubt exploded since then ....

    So why create a blog? 
    The aims and content can vary enormously. I will outline but a few:  some simply wish to share their daily thoughts, activities  and musings with the world. Some share painful and candid details of their lives. Others present their hobbies, from cooking to car mechanics. Yet others choose blogs  for commercial reasons; marketing products and services.  Many representatives within the field of education  have embraced the power  and flexibility of the blog, which I will focus on later.
     On a much more somber note,  blogs can also be used  by brave individuals to express their  political  message to a wider audience, while risking the real danger of censorship, arrestation and punishment by repressive regimes. They deserve our respect and attention.

    Blogging  and Web 2.0...some thoughts
    Blogging  is empowerment of  the individual, on a scale hitherto unseen. The consequences are far-reaching. The simplest blog tools have user-friendly interfaces; an account , a few minutes of typing  and off you go..the potential audience of billions awaits you. The possibilities of  success and failure, fame and infamity, edification or entertainment  are within your reach.  The result can be intimidating for some, addictive for others. The one thing we can agree on however,  is that the concept  of blogging is undoubtedly one of the most successful elements of Web 2.0 technology.

    Why create a blog with a class? 
     There are so many talented professional individuals within the field of education  who create and maintain excellent blogs: Guttorm HveemJan Arve OverlandJill Walker, Anne S. Michaelsen  and  Ingunn Kjøl Wiig  to name but a  very few...Their skills, knowledge and experience which they choose to share  with us are invaluable for complete novices like me ...who are struggling in cyberspace and who know so little....

    Wiig, a Norwegian teacher at Sandvika -  has pointed out the advantages of blogging within the classrorom , in  her slide share "Hvordan lære i digitale nettverk" (Please note that these are my translations and interpretation, with some additional comments and may not reflect Wiigs original intentions and  point of view in all matters)

    Wiig talks about  how blogging addresses the following needs:
    • the aspect of basic skills: being able to use digital tools ( that is relevant for all subjects within The Knowledge Promotion)
    • the production of composite texts using digital media ( also a competence aim within  English)
    • it encourages and allows reflection 
    • it allows students and teachers to discuss - as we know, communication and cooperation leads to learning and the development of skills
    • it gives  new areana for feedback and feedfoward - focus on evaluation that actually leads to learning
    • it allows the students to maintain an overview of their work 
       Wiig continues by pointing out the advantages for the teacher: (again. my translation with comments)
    • blogging allows us to see the "reserved student" who struggle to make their voice heard in a classroom  ( their thoughts and skills can get a whole new lease of life when published)
    • it allows us to develop skills
    • we get a structured source of products and skills for evaluation purposes: we can see the process and the development the student has undergone, as well as the end result
    • it is useful in relation to exam preparation
    • it can also be used in  relation to portfolio evaluation
    As we can see, there are many advantages.  To get to this level, however,  I can see that I have to learn a lot more!